Thanks for visiting my blog on where to buy flat wallets. Before I get to the meat of this blog, I want to give you a little background on my experience with wallets. When I was younger (14 or so), my dad bought me a nice wallet with velcro on it. (I know, I am showing my age) Well, I always thought the wallet was too big and seemed to stick way out of my jeans. I didn't like this look. No matter how hard my dad tried to get me to use a wallet, I wouldn't. I remember all of my friends had wallets and I tried to adapt, but it wasn't in me. I wish they had flat wallets when I was younger. Then me and my dad would have argued about it so much! I tried money clips, but as I got older and started accumulating credit cards and other cards, the money clip wouldn't work as well. The credit cards got bent and the magnetic strip on the back got scratched. My dad would always comment that he used a wallet all his life, but could not get his oldest son to use one, no matter how hard he tried.
Then, one day I was at work (I believe around 1994) and I had borrowed a coworker some money and he came back to repay me. I couldn't believe my eyes when he pulled out a flat wallet!! A small, compact, flat wallet!!! What an invention I missed!! Unfortunately, this was before I had or even heard of the internet, so all I could do was check out all the stores I could think of. I don't really remember the actual store I found my flat wallets in, but I have been hooked on flat wallets since. Every wallet I have purchased in the last 15 years has been a flat wallet. What a great invention!!!
There are alot of places to buy flat wallets. I have seen flat wallets in Walmart, Sears, Target, Sam's Club, K-Mart, and basically any department store you can think of. But my favorite place to buy flat wallets in online. There are so many styles and colors of flat wallets. I love searching online for the best deal. So, in conclusion, if I was a person looking for flat wallets, I would search online.