Flat Wallets--Not for everyone??

Ok, Ok. I know that if you reached my site, you are looking for information on flat wallets. I appreciate you landing on my site and I hope you find all the information on flat wallets that you need. But it pains me to say, that there are some of you out there (my dad) who still think that those thick, old fashioned leather wallets are better than flat wallets. That is OK!!!! There, I said it and I feel better. There are also some of you out there that prefer money clips. That is OK, too. I was once one of those people. (back when I couldn't get a credit card and didn't need a place to put it!!) Different strokes for different folks, right?? I also get a kick out of people that just scrunch their money up and put it in their front pocket. How can you keep track of anything doing it like that?? They must not value their money and credit cards like I do. Or they just plain have alot of money and don't care about taking care of it. Thanks again for listening to my babble about flat wallets.